Tendo em vista que a International Diabetes Federation e seus membros em todo o mundo, em sua contínua luta, realizou importantes recomendações de políticas para melhoria do acesso ao cuidado para o portador de Diabetes no mundo.

A IDF solicitou a seus membros em cada país que elaborassem recomendações às autoridades de saúde. No Brasil FENAD e ANAD desenvolveram em conjunto com a IDF o documento abaixo, que recomendamos fortemente e esperamos possíveis providencias para a realização das ações propostas.



Profº. Dr. Fadlo Fraige Filho
Presidente ANAD – FENAD
Titular Endocr. FMABC
Member IDF Task Force Insulin


Developing Policy Recommendations to Improve Access to Diabetes Care BRAZIL

The policy recommendations in this document are based on information extracted from:

– The responses of the Blue Circle Voices (BCV) network to a questionnaire that IDF circulated in December 2016;

– The IDF Access to Medicines report, which has been developed with the input of 80 IDF Members from around the world;

– Feedback from IDF’s national Members.


In 2015, there were 14.3 million adults with diabetes in Brazil, 5.7 million of whom were not diagnosed. More than 13,000 people died in the country that year due to diabetes-related complications. Many of these deaths could have been prevented with better access to care.

In order to stem the advance of the diabetes epidemic in the country, the International Diabetes Federation ADJ (Associação de Diabetes Juvenil), FENAD (Federação Nacional das Associações e Entidades de Diabetes) and ANAD (Associação Nacional de Atenção ao Diabetes) request the Brazilian government needs to improve the existing National Diabetes Plan by:

– Increasing the budget dedicated to fund all aspects of diabetes care;

– Improving the availability and affordability both of essential medicines and supplies as well as innovative medicines and technologies, specifically:

  • Enforce Federal Law 11347/06 that guarantees government distribution of essential medicines and supplies free of charge, so diabetes patients do not need to make out-of-pocket payments;
  • Improve availability of insulin analogues and starting the government provision of glucagon;
  • Increase the government provision of affordable innovative medicines and technologies that can improve the health outcomes of people with diabetes (e.g. DPP4 inhibitors, insulin pump, continuous glucose monitoring…);
  • Prevent the shortage of and guarantee the access to glucometers and reactive test strips. (Are we sure that these are not covered by Federal Law 11347/06)

– Implementing a national screening program, together with an education program for people at high risk of diabetes and for healthcare professionals to ensure that all Brazilians have access to high-quality care including 

  • The establishment of a multi-health professional group in the main hospitals of the country, to ensure all patients have access to the right treatments
  • The set up more centers dedicated to educate young people diagnosed with type 1 and type 2 diabetes around the country, as this segment of the population is not receiving a good quality assistance in the vast majority of Brazilian states;

International Diabetes Federation
Promoting diabetes care, prevention and a cure worldwide